Package net.sourceforge.jpcap.client

Provides sample 'client' applications which utilize the services provided by classes in the capture package.


Class Summary
CaptureConsole Text console for controlling packet capture.
CaptureHistory Captured packet history.
CaptureTool Tool with text console for controlling packet capture.
CaptureViewFrame A graphical view of captured packets.
CaptureViewMouseListener Mouse event handler for the capture view frame.
CommRenderer A rendering of communication between two hosts.
HostNameLookupThread A thread that populates a host name in a host renderer.
HostRenderer A rendering of a host on a network.
NetworkFinder Network Finder.
PacketVisualizationCanvas A graphical view of captured packets.
Settings Client tool settings.

Package net.sourceforge.jpcap.client Description

Provides sample 'client' applications which utilize the services provided by classes in the capture package.

The class CaptureTool is a combination console-based and graphical tool which can be used to visualize in real-time network traffic on a live network while controlling and filtering the capture parameters.